Thursday, March 11, 2010


I have a parishioner whose daughter is being bullied at school. The child has kind of brushed it off and doesn't want her parents to interfere, lest the bullying escalate. Many kids respond that way. But the thing is, even though bullying has always happened, it seems to have escalated in recent years. I don't remember the details, but I remember a news item several years ago about a mother making up a false e-mail or MySpace account in order to "cyber-bully" one of her own daughter's rivals. The object of her cyber-bullying ultimately committed suicide.

Bullying is about power. The power to take another human being down a notch. Power to convince ourselves (and others) that we are powerful -- especially when we are feeling particularly insecure or power-less. Co-workers can bully. Teachers can bully. Parents can bully. It's tragic when a child comes to us with stories of being bullied, but its almost more egregious when adults bully each other. We should know better. We should have learned.

Have you caught yourself at it? It can be so subtle: Just planting the seed of doubt in another human being's mind. Just that subtle. Or holding your power over a person's grades or paycheck, or tenure, or promotability. Causing another human being to feel insecure or "less than" is a subtle bullying tactic.

Lent is a time to take stock of our own lives. Its a time to look at our own behaviors and attitudes and to examine what might need the cleansing breath of Christ to shine a light on our own motives for doing what we do. Do we really "respect the dignity of every human being" or are there those who we just can't resist "putting in their place?" As we shed ourselves and take on the light of Christ, not only will our own need for power decrease, our confidence will increase in the Lord. We will no longer need to prove our value (or our worth) to the world. Then we will truly be transformed in Christ.

Pray that the peace of Christ, which surpasses all our understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in the coming days. And bullies? Back off!

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