The Storm Andy Gonzales |
How many times in scripture do we hear the words "fear not" or "do not be afraid?" I didn't actually do the counting, but apparently the scriptures contain 365 admonitions about fear: one for every day of the year. Coincidence? Probably. But the point is, God has something to say to us about fear.
Why are so many of us besieged by fear? Fear of change, fear of ill health, fear of poverty, fear of foreigners? Fear of disappointing others. Oh my. That's a biggie.
"Fear not," say the angels. "Do not be afraid," says our Lord. Fear paralyzes Fear nibbles away at our faith. Fear distorts reality. The Lord wants more from us. The Lord wants us to live into our belovedness and to share it with the world. The Lord wants us to cast out our fears and our demons; to rest in God's mercy and grace.
This week, take a look at what's bugging you; what's eroding your own sense of belovedness. And if you find fear to be the culprit, cast it out. Name it. And walk in faith. .
Peace be with you.
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