Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Philip and the Ethiopian

"Look, here is water! What is to prevent me from being baptized?" Acts 8:37

The story of "Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch" is a passage full of surprises. The Eunuch is an important man: Treasurer to Candace, Queen of Ethiopia. He is approached by a lowly fisherman from Galilee named Philip.

The court official, rather than looking with disdain upon the stranger who rushed up to his chariot, is open to Philip's teaching of the Good News. After hearing all Philip had to say, the Courtesan was convinced.
"Look! Here is water! What is to prevent me from being baptized?"

That enthusiasm, that running forward into the Good News, no matter who calls us to it is what makes excellent disciples. A willingness to learn from unlikely characters. A willingness to come down literally from our high horses and to open our minds and hearts to Truth.

Indeed, "What is to prevent me?"
What prevents us from running forward into the arms of God in humility and with genuine openness to what God might be planning for us?
Who do you listen to?
Who do you reject?

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